Braking Calculations
There are many factors to take into account when determining what type of brake to use on any particular machine. For example, what is the function of the brakes? Are there any external loads? Are there any time delays?
The primary consideration should be to answer the question:
What do you want the brake to do?
The application will often fall into one of three main types:
Holding Brakes
In such static applications a suitable factor should always be used to compensate for the possibility of foreign matter contaminating the disc surface, loss of conditioning of the brake pad surface, and to provide an appropriate safety margin, depending on pad material, statutory or other requirements.
Dynamic and Emergency Brakes
In a dynamic application the brake must stop all of the moving parts of the machine. Often this function is asked for in conjunction with the holding requirements as an emergency braking function. Basic calculations should, in these cases, include an assessment of operating temperature, power dissipation (to ensure that the pads are maintained in good condition), and expected pad life.
Tension (Continuous Duty) Brakes
This application arises when the brake is called upon to provide a continuous torque or tension on material passing through the machine, for example on tension reels. Special considerations are required to ensure adequate pad life.
Braking calculations are fundamental to good brake selection. The following calculations are intended only as a guide for those wishing to make their own selection. For a more detailed analysis of a proposed braking system, Twiflex Application Engineers can assist in providing details of all expected operating characteristics using specialist software.
Braking Calculations & Braking Terms
For more information on Braking Calculations & Braking Terms please refer to pages 41-44 of the catalog (P-1648).