Twiflex Turning, Locking, & Braking System (TLB) for Auto Shredder

OSHA recently announced it is in the process of establishing newly expanded safety regulations for auto shredding machines. The shredders (hammer mills) feature one or more toothed rotors that grind autos into small-to-medium sized pieces for eventual sorting and recycling. When power to the shredder is shut off, the large grinding rotors can continue to rotate, creating a dangerous condition for operators and maintenance crews.
A Twiflex TLB system can be installed on new equipment or retrofitted onto existing shredder drivetrains to provide secure rotor locking functionality as well as allowing controlled incremental creep rotation for tooth replacement and jam clearing.
The compact Twiflex TLB system consolidates three usually separate interfaces and functions into one package, including brakes and mounting brackets, turning device and gearwheel, and locking mechanism.
The modular TLB system is configured to allow customers to select and install one of the turning, locking and braking functions individually or to choose paired or complete turning, locking and braking functionality, depending on shredder requirements.